The sheriff's office and the Shenandoah Valley Social Services are working closely to find out all the details. The two teens are now staying with a relative.
Photo/Story Nathan Combs
The sheriff's office and the Shenandoah Valley Social Services are working closely to find out all the details. The two teens are now staying with a relative.
Photo/Story Nathan Combs
The Waynesboro City Council has cancelled their regularly scheduled Work Session on Monday, March 5, 2007, at 6:00 P.M. and rescheduled it for Monday, March 19, 2007, at 6:00 P.M. in Council Chambers of the Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 West Main Street, Waynesboro, Virginia.
Please contact Bonnie S. Stephenson, Clerk of Council, at (540) 942-6669, in Room #210 of the Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 West Main Street, Waynesboro, Virginia, if you have any questions.
Bonnie S. Stephenson, CMC
Clerk of Council
Waynesboro, Virginia
PHOTO 1: The car in the ditch.
Photo/Story Nathan Combs
1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Consent Agenda (any item placed on the consent agenda shall be removed and taken up as a separate matter, if so requested by any member of Council, otherwise all items will be voted on with one (1) motion).
a. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting (2-12-07 Regular Meeting) and dispensing with reading of minutes.
b. Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance regarding the request of Waynesboro TC, LLC, to close and vacate a portion of the right-of-way of existing Shenandoah Village Drive near its intersection with Route 340 (Rosser Avenue) that coincides with the planned realignment of Shenandoah Village Drive.
c. Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating $2,000.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance of the Library Special Book Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. (Software Purchase)
d. Receive Viewer’s Report and schedule a Public Hearing for March 26, 2007, to consider the request of Brower Limited Partnership to close and vacate a 10’ alley between 1022 W. Main Street and 1030 W. Main Street in order to expand an existing business operation.
e. Adoption of Amended FY08 Budget Calendar.
3. Resolution recognizing the retirement of W. Terry Ellison.
4. Follow-up presentation by City Assessor, John M. Kiger, regarding real estate reassessment.
5. Receive the 2006 Annual Report of the Planning Commission.
6. Consider adoption of a resolution regarding Regional Water Supply Planning and application for a FY08 Water Supply Planning Grant.
7. Consider a request by Headwaters Soil and Water Conservation District to co-sponsor the planning phase for possible future dam rehabilitation projects at South River Dam #7 (Wilda) and South River Dam #19 (Waynesboro Nursery).
8. Consider introduction of the following ordinances:
a. Amending City Code Section 2-2 changing the name of the Industrial Development Authority to the Economic Development Authority.
b. Appropriating $6,200.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance of the Water Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. (PW Operations Building Improvements)
c. Appropriating $83,784.00 from the Unreserved Fund Balance of the Sewer Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. (PW Operations Building Improvements and Equipment)
9. Citizens’ comment period.
10. Communication, Correspondence, and Calendar
11. Consider holding a Closed Meeting under Section 2.2-3711 of the Freedom of Information Act, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, (a) (3) for discussion or consideration of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body, more specifically to discuss bids received after advertisement for the sale of property declared by City Council to be surplus property, and, under the same section, discussion regarding acquisition of real estate for a public purpose, more specifically to discuss acquisition of an easement for the greenway.
12. Adjourn
The Waynesboro City Council encourages the participation of all City citizens. For those with special needs, please notify the Clerk of Council (540-942-6669) of any accommodations required, including assisted listening device, at least five days prior to the meeting you wish to attend.
PHOTO 1: Flames and smoke pour out of the top of the equipment shed.
PHOTO 2, 3: Fire engines from six companies responded to the scene.
PHOTO 4, 5: Firefighters tear into a section of the roof, then use water to knock down the flames.
PHOTO 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: The firefighters using hoses and water to fight the fire.
PHOTO 11: A firefighter passes in front of me shed the equipment shed on claims in flames.
PHOTO 12: Firefighters on the roof pour water into the trench cut to keep the fire from spreading to the milking parlor.
PHOTO 13: Water had to be brought in using tankers. The water was placed into a reservoir with firefighters to use.
PHOTO 14: looking through a door at the fire.
Sunday Feb. 18, 2007- 1:15 am at 147 Cove View Rd. a milking equipment shed caught fire and took 30 firefighters two hours to knock down. The equipment shed had to have a trench cut in the roof to keep the fire from spreading to the attached to milking parlor. There were no injuries or farm animals injured. While the equipment shed was a complete loss firefighters were able to save the milking parlor. The investigation into the cause of a fire is still under investigation.
PHOTO 1: fire crews on the scene directing traffic on 340.
PHOTO 2, 3: The red SUV that pulled out and hit the white Subaru.
PHOTO 4, 5: In the southbound lane facing the wrong direction, the Subaru sustained heavy front end collision damage.
Photo/Story Nathan Combs
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