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Palmer Mill Rd. House Fire - February 10

Sunday 10, 2008 - 7:12 pm Palmer Mill Rd. A power line had fallen and started a fire in the woods behind the house. High winds blew the fire towards the house catching it on fire. The first call went out to fire departments as a grass fire, but by the time firefighters arrived the house had caught fire. The first firefighters on scene were ready to fight a grass fire and not a house fire. They called in the proper people and equipment while they made do with what they had. The fire companies had problems getting water to the scene because tankers and equipment needed were all on other calls, due to many other fire calls of the day. They also had problems with getting equipment and water to the fire because of the long and narrow lane the house was located on.

Then on top of these problems the weather was of no help. The wind and the extreme cold that the firefighters had to endure to put the fire out were a big hindrance. Five fire companies help put out the blaze: Middlebrook, Swoop, Augusta Co., Raphine and rescue crews from Staunton and Churchville. It took firefighters 3 1/2 hours to contain the fire.

No one was hurt in the fire, all the people that were in the house made it out safely.

Photos/Story Nathan Combs

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